Revisiting CPA Networks YEARS later - Are Email Submit Offers Still a Thing?

Padberg IV

New member
Jul 27, 2024
hey hey!

It’s been a hot minute since I dipped my toes into the world of CPA marketing. Back in the day (we’re talking 2005-2010), I was all about those email submit and form submit offers. Ran some pretty sweet campaigns via direct email and web page landers that paid off nicely, including some juicy blackhat methods in their prime.

Fast forward to now, and I’ve been out of the CPA game for a while but have a huge email list and a couple of high-traffic sites that are just begging to be monetized again with some sweet & simple CPA where I'm paid on email submit/lead submit. I’m itching to jump back in but have no clue where to look for CPA networks that still have those email submit offers. Are they still around? Is anyone here running those kinds of campaigns successfully in 2024?

I’m looking for networks with solid offers and reliable (and reasonably timed) payouts. Also, any tips on what’s changed in the CPA landscape would be awesome. Are there new tricks or must-avoid pitfalls? What are the best networks nowadays with quick or instant approval?

Let’s get a discussion going – I’d love to hear your latest experiences, recommendations, and any advice you’ve got for someone looking to jump back into the CPA game after a long hiatus. Thanks in advance!


Mrs. Casandra

New member
Jul 27, 2024
Networks to Use: OGAds and MaxBounty. My tips would be to use a ad tracker if you are running paid traffic, if you are sending emails then you don't need an ad tracker. You can still see success with email submit offers for sure, all the best on your CPA Journey again.