Telegram Advice

Tillman Borer

New member
May 29, 2024
First post here. Some background: Opened a telegram account 3 months ago for crypto since its all the craze and got banned. All I ever did was join telegram groups and participate, nothing nefarious or out of the ordinary compared to what my friends do. Week later I used a friend's phone # and made a new tg account on same laptop, banned 2 weeks later. Week after that I used my pops phone #, same laptop, banned two weeks later. I just recently got NordVPN after the third ban but I read that telegram knows my device ID in addition to VPN. Yesterday I used Google voice (had no idea it was a thing until i used it), first phone # i used was already linked to an active tg account so i logged out; was weird they were in Nigeria scamming ppl. Second phone number I used was already banned and cant get a new GV number for a year bc its limited. Tried Hushed, number was banned. Im pretty broke, and don't have another phone or computer to use so I'm pretty much at a loss on what to do. Hoping to pick some brains and get some advice. Thanks

Friedrich Kassulke

New member
May 29, 2024
Use aged accounts, and check out my old posts, I detailed these issues.
Yes aged accounts work the best.

First post here. Some background: Opened a telegram account 3 months ago for crypto since its all the craze and got banned. All I ever did was join telegram groups and participate, nothing nefarious or out of the ordinary compared to what my friends do. Week later I used a friend's phone # and made a new tg account on same laptop, banned 2 weeks later. Week after that I used my pops phone #, same laptop, banned two weeks later. I just recently got NordVPN after the third ban but I read that telegram knows my device ID in addition to VPN. Yesterday I used Google voice (had no idea it was a thing until i used it), first phone # i used was already linked to an active tg account so i logged out; was weird they were in Nigeria scamming ppl. Second phone number I used was already banned and cant get a new GV number for a year bc its limited. Tried Hushed, number was banned. Im pretty broke, and don't have another phone or computer to use so I'm pretty much at a loss on what to do. Hoping to pick some brains and get some advice. Thanks
You can find aged accounts on the marketplace to buy.