What can I do with this traffic and comicad balance?


New member
Jul 8, 2024
My website is in adsense - unsupported language and so most ads network do not accept its traffic. Even if it was accepted, it is very low cpm.
Fortunately, I had found comicad network which accepts comic, novel related traffic and earned well.
Unfortunately, it only accept paypal withdrawal and my paypal account restricted permanently after 1st withdrawal. And I can't change withdrawal Paypal account because it need dummy payment to unlock. (Actually comicad admin unlock it manually once and this is second time of Paypal account restriction , and they said to try resolve paypal issues. I can't try this method because I live in paypal unsupported country and my account is sneak account)
What I want to know is if there any other network like comicad that accept adsense unsupported language website and earn well. And is there anybody who want to advertise in comicad with my account balance?